Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Beauty Myths and Facts Solved.

 Beauty advice from all corners hounds us every day. News articles, magazines, T.V. programs, advertisements and of course beauty advice from our grand mothers,mothers, friends, friends mothers and so on and so forth.

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Lets gets our facts in place once and for all now.
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1.  Myth - Acne is caused by eating oily food, fast food, chocolates, chips, cola etc.
     Fact -  Acne is not caused by what a person eats and does not eat. It is caused due to excessive  sebum (oil) secretion by the oil glands of our body mainly the face. And it is caused due to increase in the number of a bacteria which is normally present on our skin Propionibacterium acnes . Occurs commonly during puberty due to hormonal changes in the body. Commoner in boys. Can occur in adults also.

2. Myth - Plucking out a white hair will result in more growing there.
    Fact - A white hair is a hair which has stopped producing pigment. Pluck it out and it will grow back again after some time. It will not give rise to 2,5 or 10 more white hair. And it will not release any fluid that will turn the surrounding hair white.

3. Myth - Shaving hair causes thicker hair to grow back.
   Fact -  During shaving the hair is cut off from the surface, the root is intact so the hair can grow back quickly. This gives appearance of thicker hair.But it is the same hair.

4. Myth - Suncreen is not needed on cloudy days.
    Fact - Sunscreen is needed irrespective of whether its is cloudy/raining/stormy or anything else.Sunscreen should be applied at all times whenever one steps out during the day. Ideally it should be applied before wearing clothes and at least 30 minutes before sun exposure. And should be re-applied after a few hours. This prevents development of dark spots on the skin and wrinkles later on.
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5. Myth -  Any product that has 'Herbal' written on it is safe.
    Fact - Just mention of herbal on a product does not make it safe. Unless the ingredients are completely listed on the package one should be careful. If any itching/redness/scaling/discomfort occurs, the product must be immediately discontinued.

6.Myth - An expensive product must be really good.
   Fact - The effectiveness and quality of a product has no direct relation with its price. Some of the best beauty products are available in our own kitchen. A lot of money is spent on marketing/advertising/celebrity endorsements of many products. The company recovers its costs from the consumer. Its your money, so spend it wisely.

7.Myth -  If a product works for my friend/sister/mother/aunt it will  work for me.
   Fact -  Every individual responds differently to different products. Its like finger prints. Every one has certain unique skin and hair requirements. Instead of randomly piling on products which others use, spend some time to understand your individual skin and hair profile and using products accordingly.

8. Myth - Make up is harmful for skin.
    Fact - Excess of anything will be harmful even healthy fruit juices and vegetables. Learn to make friends with your make up. If you have certain skin conditions like acne/blemishes/dryness/age spots/wrinkles give your skin some tender loving care and let it heal. Then choose your make up wisely.Let it enhance your natural beauty.

9. Myth - Curly hair is dry/frizzy/knotty/messy so I should straighten my hair.
   Fact - Curly hair or straight, either way it is beautiful. Again learn to understand your hair needs and care for it accordingly. Well maintained moisturized cutly hair is an asset in itself.

10. Myth - Beauty treatments prescribed by dermatologists never work.
      Fact - :-) Dermatologists do not have magic wands. People expect them to reverse the effects of months or years of hardships faced by a persons' skin or hair in a single session.What comes quickly , goes quickly. Becoming beautiful from within takes time and patience.Both on the doctors' and patients' side. Your doctor is your friend. Share your problems with them and follow their advice as closely as possible and give it a little time. Ask any beautiful woman and she will tell you that good skin and hair takes a little effort and lots of patience and time.

So here my take on Common Beauty Myths. Hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing  it. Fell free to post your comments and ask your questions.
And lastly Stay Safe and Stay Beautiful. Always!


  1. very very nice !!! ohh and i loved the last point . . people tend to blame dermatologists on how their skins shines like a mirror and their treatment never works . . which doc wouldnt like to cure their patients up fast and early :) :) . . and that food and acne is a deadly myth believed by almost everyone!!

    1. Thanks :)I know its a very tough job for dermats to convince their patients.. most skin and hair treatments take 8-12 weeks to show their effects..
      And the food myth..its everywhere..its as if the oil from the food goes to the stomach and comes out through the face :)

  2. very very well written especially the last point :) truly eye opener :)

    1. Thanks Parita :) Its my humble effort to share what I learn with my dear readers. I'll try and dispel more such myths in my upcoming posts. Hope you like them too.

  3. Wonderful post! :) I second every point :) Keep up the good work :)
    PS: Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog, I am following you :)
    Namita <3

  4. Your welcome dear :) keep checking back for more such posts. Your blog is beautiful too :) fresh vibrant and lovely..You too keep up the good work. :)

  5. Beautifully written.. I am following you and expecting much more :)

    1. Thanks for following dear :) I'll post interesting stuff regularly..Hope you will like them.

  6. Woww....awesome post!! Very useful and informative! About the first fact, we are what we eat, isn't that so? ;)
    You have a great blog! It would be nice if you check out my blog! If you like it, can we follow each other? I'll follow you back for sure :)
    Have a great day!


    "Dicas de saúde, beleza, e exercício físico"

    1. Thanks for your comment Maria :) ya true we are what we eat, but its not the way with certain medical condition, and acne is one of them sure.. those poor guys try everything..go on all diets possible and still they get these huge zits.. every one from models and actresses to common people gets zits.. diet will give you glowing skin yes, but acne needs something different than that :)
      Your blog is awesome too..just checked it out and am following..keep in touch and check back for more interesting posts! :)

    2. Oh...I know what you mean, sometimes (a lot of times) acne is hereditary, it's a difficult situation to deal with. If you want to take a look in a post I wrote before, about that: "HERE"
      Too bad it is not in English, but I just started to write on both languages a few months ago! Anyway, you have the language option on the top of my blog, it is really helpful, the translation is very good!
      I'm really happy you liked my exercise posts! Since I started my blog (in past November) you're the second person ;D
      I think the most part of people don't like exercising :S
      Thank you so much for your lovely comment & follow!!!! I’m following you back now :)
      Unfortunately you haven't “bloglovin”, but if you decided to join it, please let me know, and we can follow each other there as well, it's much easier to keep in touch<3


      "Dicas de saúde, beleza, e exercício físico"

  7. Another Doc on the block!! Welcome! i like it when such a elite class also blogs among us :p

    Very nice n informative post.

    Following u :)

  8. Thanks Vanu :) Its actually more of a pleasure for us.. Its really nice interacting with women outside our doc friends circle and hear about their experiences and thoughts and feelings about healthy hair and skin care.. personally it has helped me become a better doctor also :)
    I'll post more such interesting stuff.. hope you will like them too.. and keep the comments coming..will help me post even better stuff.. Take care..

  9. Very nice post..enjoyed reading it..:)

  10. thanks for visiting my blog... your post on beauty myths is very useful... very informative..

  11. Hi :D
    I'm following you with bloglovin as well (#1), I'd love you follow me back, and we can keep in touch<3
    Have a great weekend!


    "Dicas de saúde, beleza, e exercício físico"

  12. u have an awesome blog.. so different and informative.. keep up the good work.. love u..


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